Author: christine

[ultimate_heading main_heading="Interview With Director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon" main_heading_color="#dd3333" main_heading_style="font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;" main_heading_font_family="font_family:Petit Formal Script|font_call:Petit+Formal+Script" main_heading_font_size="desktop:24px;" margin_design_tab_text=""]by Christine Thompson [/ultimate_heading] THE CURRENT WAR: DIRECTOR'S CUT is a deep dive into the drama that preceded how the world uses something we now take for granted, electricity.  Starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Thomas Edison, and Michael Shannon as his foe George Westinghouse,
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Scroll down to full link at bottom of this map for more detailed information from Johns Hopkins University.  Hold cursor or finger on map to change global location.  Touch red area for numbers.  If your internet connection is slow go directly to the Johns Hopkins map, link below.  FULL MAP LINK HERE More credible
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Vinder’s ‘restaurant buyback’ program to offer $1 deliveries of excess food products from local restaurants to anyone in the Austin area  Today Vinder, the community-driven, digital farmers’ market, launches an initiative that will allow restaurants and small producers to sell their surplus produce, meats, raw ingredients and baked goods through the Vinder app. This “restaurant-fueled farmers market” aims to redistribute excess, perishable goods to the public during the current COVID-19 pandemic, in response to an urgent public need. These goods will be delivered, with no person-to-person contact, to anyone in the Austin area for only $1, aiming to soften the…

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Interview by Christine Thompson I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with John Rhys-Davies about the upcoming Fathom Event film I AM PATRICK, which will be in theaters nationwide Tuesday, March 17, and Wednesday, March 18 for two nights only. "I don't call myself a Christian, I'm not good enough" - Johnathan Rhys-DaviesWe discussed everything
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Interview by John Wisniewski John Wisniewski: When did you begin making films, Carey? Any favorite filmmakers and who do you like in music? Carey Burtt: i began making films when i was 14 in 1976 in New England. i won local awards. then went to NYU film school in the early eighties.  At that point
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