Author: christine

Interview by Christine Thompson We interview  filmmakers Zach Lamplugh (Adult Swim) and Brian Emond about their hilarious feature THE VICE GUIDE TO FINDING BIGFOOT which premiered at The Austin Film Festival. The mockumentary stars Edmond as the disenchanted millennial working for VICE on terrible assignments, and Lamplugh as his always exasperated producer/cameraman.  Yearning to sink
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[ultimate_fancytext strings_textspeed="35" strings_backspeed="0" fancytext_strings="Interview with Keri René Fuller (GRIZABELLA in CATS)" strings_font_family="font_family:|font_call:" strings_font_size="desktop:16px;" fancytext_color="#dd3333" strings_font_style="font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;"]Interview by Carla Sanchez Taylor (RiPpLe PuDdle) I am not a theatre aficionado, nor, might I add, a lover of cats. But upon research for this interview, I found many impassioned friends who had seen Cats The Musical, some numerous times. It
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Interview by Paul Salfen Just in time for Halloween, horror fans are in for a treat with a surprise sequel to Along Came the Devil, the possession movie from husband and wife team Jason and Heather DeVan that became quite the hit on VOD. Now the story continues, which follows Jordan (Laura Wiggins, “Shameless”) returning
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