Synopsis: Tina (Thu Tran) and her elderly dog, MeeMoo (voiced by Fat Tony), visit "Rainbow Bridge Enterprises," a mysterious clinic offering human-to-pet communication. The esoteric Dr. Bailey Picadillo (Heather Lawless) and her burnout partner, Herb (James Urbaniak ), detect a cosmically strong bond between their new patients, triggering a journey across time and space where
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Browsing: Movies
Interview by Paul Salfen Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever is a 2023 animated Christmas comedy film directed by Luke Cormican. It is the seventh installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film series, the third animated feature, and the first adaptation of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever by Jeff
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Scamarcio stars in the film and serves as co-writer and producer of the exhilarating sports drama from Lionsgate, which hits theaters and VOD platforms on January 5th, 2024. Feel the thrill of the road with this action-packed sports drama inspired by true events. Daniel Brühl (The King’s Man) and Riccardo Scamarcio (A Haunting in Venice)
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Interview by Paul Salfen Darin Scott wrote, directed and stars in THE OATH, a historical action drama that he wrote, directed and stars in. It also stars Billy Zane, Nora Dale, Karina Lombard and Eugene Brave Rock. Synopsis: 400 A.D., in a forgotten time of Ancient America, a lone Hebraic fugitive must preserve the history
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Interview by Paul Salfen HOLIDAY TWIST centers on a high-powered female executive and Grinchy workaholic CEO, whose whole world comes crashing down because of unforeseen circumstances despite her self-perceived importance. With help from a Salvation Army Santa and a little holiday magic, the protagonist finally realizes the key to letting go of her painful past
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SYNOPSIS: Dovey (Darren Mann), a young, impressionable ex-con breaks his parole to do a solid for his prison mentor, a conniving inmate by the name of Ray Childress (Dermot Mulroney). Dovey crosses state lines to track down Ray’s estranged daughter but soon discovers her past may be more dangerous than anything he ever faced in
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Interview by Paul Salfen JESSE HUTCH plays Otto in this uplifting Christmas story. Here he talks to Paul Salfen about his role. A Christmas Blessing is streaming now on Great American Pure Flix. SYNOPSIS: Renowned TV star Mandy Gilmore says goodbye to her hit culinary series, A World of Food, with plans to travel the globe
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Review by Paul Salfen This is Paul Salfen with your KLAK Movie Minute. In theaters now is Napoleon, the epic Ridley Scott biopic on the diminutive French leader starring the not so diminutive and American-accented Joaquin Phoenix that is historically questionable but still an epic piece of cinema. While a lot focuses on the wild
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Warner Bros. Pictures invites you to experience the extraordinary sisterhood of three women who share one unbreakable bond in “The Color Purple.” This bold new take on the beloved classic is directed by Blitz Bazawule (“Black Is King,” “The Burial of Kojo”) and produced by Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Scott Sanders and Quincy Jones. “The
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Director Toby Amies and musician Tony Levin (King Crimson, Peter Gabriel) talk about this "rockumentary" which began as a straightforward documentary about the cult rock band King Crimson as it turned 50, mutated into an exploration of time, death, family, and the transcendent power of music to change lives. But with jokes.
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