[ultimate_fancytext fancytext_align="left" strings_textspeed="35" strings_backspeed="0" typewriter_loop="off" fancytext_strings="``this self-created party is still going on to this day, from the thousands of jam bands playing all over the continent tonight, to Burning Man and the whole festival culture that's thriving all across North America. - Brian Hassett" strings_font_family="font_family:Annie Use Your Telescope|font_call:Annie+Use+Your+Telescope" strings_font_style="font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;" strings_font_size="desktop:28px;" fancytext_color="#ff0000"]Interview by John Wisniewski This
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- Virginia Gardner, Lucy Hale and Director Laura Murphy on F MARRY KILL
- Caroline Ho, One Of The Youngest Composers to Score A Studio Film, Talks LA DOLCE VILLA Soundtrack
- Tanner McElroy On THE TEXAS REPUBLIC New Music
- ROBERT EARL KEEN Talks New Music, Tour, Podcast and Poetry
- Kid Rock Talks About PBR Fan Rally Wednesday, March 5th in Arlington
- Francesca Eastwood Talks Role As Wrestler Mae Young In QUEEN OF THE RING
- Eric McCormack, writer Anthony Horowitz, and actors Lydia Wilson, Jan Le and Adam Long For NINE BODIES IN A MEXICAN MORGUE
- Jackson Rathbone on Role As U.S. Marshall In LAWS OF MAN